Foodsharing Ethics

  1. Fighting against food waste
  2. Unconditional sharing – The Food at Foodsharing Copenhagen is distributed free of charge and may not be sold in any way by its volunteers or the recipients of the food. Volunteers follow the same rules and are treated the same as attendees in terms of taking food.
  3. Pro-active volunteerism – supporting volunteers in realizing and developing their own projects and ideas that support the organization
  4. Mindful consumption – Foodsharing Copenhagen is not about “First come, First Serve” and “All-you-can-eat”, but about mindful food consumption, respectful sharing and giving back to society.
  5. Sustainability of the organization – responsible for the development and implementation of appropriate organization continuity
  6. Individual and Personal Development – Foodsharing Copenhagen is committed to its volunteers in helping them to develop their skills and competencies. The organisation therefore aims to give its volunteers the tools and confidence to become effective leaders of social and environmental change.
  7. Knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer – to create environments that stimulate and facilitate the sharing of knowledge about food, cooking, waste prevention and individual action.
  8. Fun and Creativity – we strive to have fun in doing what we do and exercise the creativity of our volunteers wherever possible

General Ethics

  1. Respect for fundamental human rights, social justice, human dignity, and respect for the equal rights of men and women
  2. Promote and practise understanding, respect, compassion and tolerance, and will demonstrate discretion and maintain confidentiality as required
  3. Respect for all persons equally without distinction whatsoever of race, gender, religion, colour, national or ethnic origin, language, marital status, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic status, disability, political conviction, or any other distinguishing feature
  4. Respect cultures, customs and traditions of all peoples, and will strive to avoid behaving in ways that are not acceptable in a particular cultural context
  5. Foodsharing Copenhagen and its volunteers will not tolerate any form of intolerance, racism, crime, sexual exploitation or abuse and are aware that misconduct is ground for disciplinary measures including summary dismissal from the organization.